Want to tell your story at AgileAus23?
Submissions will open on 15 March 2023 for you to nominate to share a story at AgileAus23.
Telling our stories is how we try to make sense of our past, our present and find our future path. It is the stories of war, flood and fire and injustice that inspire us to pursue sustainability, peace and equality.
This year we are looking for stories that reflect on what we have learnt, which can buoy us to adapt and find ways to flourish.
How can we slow down to go fast? How can we build reflection into our days? What have we forgotten that we need to remember? And how do we join the dots of an increasingly fragmented world of ideas, opinions and information to forge ahead and lead contributing lives?
Have you a compelling narrative to share that can help clarify future action? Have you a story that can help your peers learn from what you have done, understand what needs to be done and inspire what might be possible?
We are seeking stories from those who have experiences, insights and stumbles to share as we redesign the way we work; from the frontier of digital delivery; to those attempting to nurture environments where small, multi-disciplinary teams work well together; to those who are trying to deliver value to their customers by building great products and services.
Definition of Flourish: grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment.
AgileAus23 is happening in Sydney on 14-15 August 2023. You can find out more and register at agileaustralia.com.au/2023/