“Kindness is a muscle that needs to be exercised.”

Oct 19, 2017 | AgileAus

Author and broadcaster Julia Baird treated AgileAus 17 attendees to a wildcard session on her intriguing approach to leadership.

In her surprise talk, Julia challenged the assumption that extroverts are the best leaders, and urged us to re-think the impact an introvert can have on an environment. She asked us to examine confidence vs competence, and consider why humility is always a good thing…

Attendees were left buzzing and inspired about kindness, cultures of loyalty and decency – and the fact that the right approach to leadership can be contagious!

Below are some attendee reflections on Julia’s presentation on The Contagious Impact of Deliberate Leadership:

Julia Baird’s talk was so awesome – very personal and engaging” – Michael Rembach, Principal Consultant, Elabor8

“Shattering myths of leadership, Julia’s is a quieter, kinder message that aligns with the servant leadership we aspire to. Julia’s vulnerability and ability to connect on a personal level resonated with me. Although she is not part of the “Agile” community, her message was right on target!” – Melinda Harrington, Lead Consultant, Elabor8


Catch Julia’s incredible talk (and more!) at Agile Encore 2017 this November in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. To find out more and to register, please visit the website.

Agile Encore 2017 is sponsored by Elabor8 and AGL (Agile Encore 2017 Melbourne).  

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