Connections that count

Connections that count

Connections that count As Rachel Slattery mused in her ode to work friendship:’building relationships embedded in trust can help us acquire professional social capital over time allowing us to access much wider areas of knowledge and expertise.’ This has...
Support ramps up for AgileAus23 speakers

Support ramps up for AgileAus23 speakers

Support ramps up for AgileAus23 speakers One of the best things about speaking at AgileAus is the people you meet. This will be even more the case in 2023, as speakers will have the opportunity to meet, share and learn with a great line-up of fellow AgileAus23...
Want to tell your story at AgileAus23?

Want to tell your story at AgileAus23?

Want to tell your story at AgileAus23? Submissions will open on 15 March 2023 for you to nominate to share a story at AgileAus23. Telling our stories is how we try to make sense of our past, our present and find our future path. It is the stories of war, flood and...
Making sense of Servant Leadership

Making sense of Servant Leadership

Making sense of Servant Leadership The Manifesto for Agile Software Development has nothing to say about leadership. However, when we talk about leadership for agility, we usually talk about Servant Leadership. I think we can lay the blame for this on Scrum....