Mar 29, 2017 | AgileAus, Feature Articles, Guest Blogs
The Journey of Design to Agile This article was written by Chris Thelwell and was first published in UX Magazine on 13 July 2016. Design is historically a waterfall process. The change to an agile workflow is usually driven by the engineering team, or by the demands...
Mar 22, 2017 | AgileAus, Feature Articles, Guest Blogs
Hacking Away To Shape Organisational Culture Brett Wakeman takes it back to when Carsales gave their developers freedom with the company’s first idea hackathon. We’re taking it back this week to when Carsales gave their developers freedom with the company’s first idea...
Mar 8, 2017 | AgileAus, Feature Articles, Guest Blogs
Knowledge breadth vs depth Discover a model for career-long learning with Neal Ford, a Software Architect at ThoughtWorks and a speaker at Agile Australia 2017. This article is based on architect Mark Richards’ Knowledge Pyramid. Ford and Richards are co-presenters in...
Feb 24, 2017 | AgileAus, Feature Articles, Guest Blogs
What Nobody Tells You About Leadership With AgileAus17 centred around the concepts of learning and leading, Melinda Harrington explains what nobody tells you about leadership. Almost everyone who takes this quiz misses the first question. Here it is: According...
Feb 16, 2017 | AgileAus, Feature Articles, Guest Blogs
Does your company suffer from Gratitude Deficit Disorder? In this article, Melbourne University Professor of Positive Psychology, Dr Lea Waters, shows us how gratitude can play a surprisingly significant role in workplace culture. When was the last time someone...
Feb 14, 2017 | AgileAus, Feature Articles, Guest Blogs
Do you have a lightning talk inside of you? Katrina Kolt explains how to tell a great story in just five minutes! At last year’s TEDX Melbourne, I inadvertently found myself up on stage. I say inadvertently, because when the MC asked the crowd who had a Ted talk...