AgileTODAY Blog
AgileTODAY: The voice of the Agile Australia community.
AgileTODAY is a blog that serves as the beating pulse of the Agile Australia community.
AgileAus17 Wrap Up
“Learning reduces uncertainty,” Melissa Perri The Agile Australia Conference is done and dusted for another year, and as all who attended reflect on what has been another magical Conference, let’s hear about what went on at AgileAus, and the various topics and...
10,000 employees. No managers. Great results.
AgileAus17 keynote speaker and Workshop leader Sami Honkonen (CEO, Tomorrow Labs) discusses a unique example of distributed leadership: the Buurtzorg phenomenon.Buurtzorg is one of the companies studied for Fredrik Laloux’s book Reinventing Organizations. I and Panu...
The ‘sushi train’ approach to Agile
This guest post was written by Cherie Mylordis from Uniting. To learn more about Agile, visit the AgileAus hub.Exciting things are happening at Uniting where Agile has become the new buzzword and sushi is a popular dish! At Uniting, we provide services in aged care...
Bad boss, or a case of Leadership Deficit Disorder?
In this guest post, AgileAus 2017 speaker and Head of R&D at Atlassian, Dominic Price, runs us through the telltale signs of ‘leadership deficit disorder’. This article was first published by Atlassian on 10 February 2017.Ok: a bad boss might be the reason your...
An education in Agile
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin In the age of social media and fast-paced innovation and disruption, it pays to invest in education and knowledge growth. This is especially prevalent in the tech sector, where innovation is the...
The Product Designer’s practice
In this guest post, Chris Thelwell discusses how Envato structures UX and product design practice. He explains the different roles within Envato’s design team, and how they collaborate to solve users’ business problems and needs. Read Chris’s earlier article on...
From Agile to Systems Thinking: Lessons on Company Culture
CEO of Tomorrow Labs and AgileAus 2017 invited speaker, Sami Honkonen, shares the story of how he came to learn the importance of system conditions for company culture.)One day in 2010, I realised I was fed up with Agile. I was at the US Agile Conference and for the...
We Need to Stop Being Short Sighted and Start Hiring Junior Software Engineers Now
This is a guest post by Adel Smee, the Engineering Team Lead at Zendesk, a customer relationship software company based in San Francisco.Last year as I was working on a conference talk, I came across this labour market research conducted by the Australian Department...
The Journey of Design to Agile
This article was written by Chris Thelwell and was first published in UX Magazine on 13 July 2016.Design is historically a waterfall process. The change to an agile workflow is usually driven by the engineering team, or by the demands of the organisation to deliver...
Hacking Away To Shape Organisational Culture
Brett Wakeman takes it back to when Carsales gave their developers freedom with the company’s first idea hackathon. We’re taking it back this week to when Carsales gave their developers freedom with the company’s first idea hackathon. The results meant the developers...
About AgileTODAY
AgileTODAY was a quarterly print magazine for 10 years and now is a blog that serves as the beating pulse of the Agile Australia community. Stay at the edge of the latest in Agile conversation, with analysis from leading Agile thinkers, case studies and up-to-date news.
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