AgileAus17 sessions are live on InfoQ!
Want to re-live the highlights from Agile Australia 2017? Get your fix through InfoQ, who are now uploading videos of sessions from this year’s Conference.
Sessions will be periodically uploaded over the weeks ahead for you to enjoy and share with your colleagues.
Crowd favourite Sami Honkonen’s presentation on Building a Responsive Organisation is now live. He looks at the building blocks for an organisation to thrive in uncertainty by understanding complexity, systems, experiments, transparency and empowering execution.
To view sessions please visit the website.
Missed out on this year’s Agile Australia Conference? The most raved about talks from AgileAus will be Encoring in November! One stream. One afternoon. Three cities. It’s a great opportunity to get an intense dose of Agile in a short amount of time!
For more information and to register, please visit the website.
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